Tuesday, 19 October 2010


Back in my first year of college one of my assignments was to create a garment made from recyling products, after much thought i decided to make my dress from jeans. Cutting jeans into patches and sewing them all back together was not easy but i was really happy with the end result...

Fair Trade ...

Waking up at 5.30am is not a good thing in my mind... especially on the weekends. However this fair trade award was my first big winning contest with the girls so i was ready to go to the train station and meet Jen, Sian, Becky and Stewart to set off to London.
After over two hours on the train we finally reached our destination, and we headed straight to the underground. We got to our destination in Waterloo at Kings college. 

The fairtrade conference was really interesting learning what fairtrade means and how it is developing though-out the world.

After winning the award we had a walk along the SouthBank and had a really nice walk and talk watching the city go by and watching the '`Young lads' on skateboards and bmx bikes...